domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009


Santiago, the capital of chile, is a great place fo tourists to visit. It is a city surronded by mountains and full of things to do. One of the places a tourist must definitely visit if he/she is in santiago is La Moneda. This is the resident of the president and his/her co-workers. It is a very beautiful building.
The second place a tourist must visit is Parque Forestal. Parque Forestal is a lovely park located in the middle of town. It is sorrounded by trees and french style apartaments and cafes. It is a good place to go with children because it has lots of things, swings and games for them to play on.
The third place in santiago a tourist must visit is Pueblito de los Dominicos, located in Las Condes. It is a great place for buying souveniers. In this place they will find tipycal chilean food and craft shops.
The 4 th place to visit is Cerro San Cristobal, which has an entertaining zoo. Tourists have the possibility of getting on a cable car which goes round the hill ad offers a very nice view of santiago.
The last place to visit is Bellavista. Bellavista is a bohemian neighborhood which tourist normally visit by night. It has lots of pubs, restaurants and discotheques. Sometimes people visit it during the day the Neruda’s house. Pablo Neruda, recipient of the 1971 Nobel Prize for Literature, was born in Parral, Chile. His original name was Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basoalto

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