domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009

Final session!!

Nowadays learning a second language has become very important due to globalization, english is the most spoken language in the world an it is the language that rules the internet. I feel very fortunate for having the possibility to learn english at my university.
I have learnt the importance of learning a second language and the many advantages it brings.

One advantage of learning english is that I can have a broader access to information. I have watched programs in english, read magazine and news paper articles in english, and logged on to many english websites. Which have allowed me to increase the number of sources I use in my investigation projects at university.

Learning english at university has also allowed me to meet foreigners that don´t speak spanish. It has been amazing to talk to people who come from a completely different cultural background, to exchange point of views on different things and motivated me to go and work in USA during the summer. I met lots of interesting people, had amazing work experience and learnt lots of new things.

As a conclusion I can say learning english at university has been an amazing experience. I feel very greatful for the oportunity i was given. I could never have imagined the impact an english course at university going to have in my life. I think it is an indispensable course and that every student should be obliged to take it bacause it implies great advantages (specially for ones professional future).

1 comentario:

  1. Nowadays learning a second language has become very important due to globalization, english is the most spoken language in the world an it is the language that rules the internet. I feel very fortunate for having the possibility to learn english at my university.
    I have learnt the importance of learning a second language and the many advantages it brings.

    One advantage of learning english is that I can have a broader access to information. I have watched programs in english, read magazine and news paper articles in english, and logged on to many english websites. Which have allowed me to increase the number of sources I use in my investigation projects at university.

    Learning english at university has also allowed me to meet foreigners that don´t speak spanish. It has been amazing to talk to people who come from a completely different cultural background, to exchange point of views on different things and motivated me to go and work in USA during the summer. I met lots of interesting people, had amazing work experience and learnt lots of new things.

    As a conclusion I can say learning english at university has been an amazing experience. I feel very greatful for the oportunity i was given. I could never have imagined the impact an english course at university going to have in my life. I think it is an indispensable course and that every student should be obliged to take it bacause it implies great advantages (specially for ones professional future).

    well done! I'm sorry we mssed some time waiting for your writings..
    p.s. you got a 7
