domingo, 11 de octubre de 2009


When transantiago started on February of 2007 people was very unhappy because there weren’t enough buses, the trips were different and you had to make at least two combinations; another thing that got people upset was that the buses were always crowded.
In consequence of all this the government had to improve the system and design new trips and put more buses in the streets.
Personally I think that for the poor people and for the students transantiago meant a real improvement in their lives, for the poor people because paying just one bus ticket they can take a lot of buses and even make a round trip; and for the students because all of us can have a student pass and have a better treat from the drivers.
Other good things about transantiago is that you can get into the subway without paying more, transantiago is much more organize than the older system and a little bit cleaner.
Some improvements that transantiago should have are putting more buses on the streets, making new trips so people make less combinations, having more control of the contamination that the buses liberate, making more exclusive ways, and promote the use of bicycles so there’s less traffic.

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